Welcome to M.C. Mehta Environmental Foundation
MCMEF is a non-profit, non-governmental committed organization working nationwide for the protection of the environment, the rights of the people to clean and fresh water and air, the promotion of sustainable development, and the protection of the cultural heritage of India.
We believe that if, all of us unite and take proper care in protection and conservation of the limited natural resources, we can give our children a better tomorrow. It is possible only through community participation and awareness.
MCMEF has been actively involved in capacity building among NGOs, Lawyers, Scientists, Senior Officials, Academicians, Students & Youth through trainings, short term courses, seminars, workshops, declamation contests and other grass roots level activities.
*MC Mehta Environment Foundation*:
*Online Certificate-cum-Training programme
in Environmental Laws and their Application in Environment Protection for Sustainable Development* for Students/ Academicians/ NGOs/ Professionals etc through *Webinar on Saturdays and Sundays.
Program Details : click here
Through Webinar
Duration: 1 Month (June 2024)
Mode & Timing: Webinars on Saturday & Sunday (10 AM – 12 Noon)
Total Seats: 50 only (First come, First)
Last Date of Registration: 25th May 2024
Reg. Form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1cTqMh4vlJ6WxGfjoA3Yf6lYD85nFcU2eFC-f98MY_Oo/edit
Participants: Students/ Academicians/ Law Practitioners/ Professionals/ NGOs etc.
Query Nos: 7347475497, 8728943103 & mcmef.trainings@gmail.com
With Regards
Program Coordinator
MCMEF, Dehradun